I receive many enquiries asking me if I interpret religious/spiritual dreams. I work with all dream experiences and I have come to specialise in religious and spiritual dream meanings. Particularly in Jungian Psychology, we pay great attention if someone has had a dream with religious/spiritual symbolism. Often religious and spiritual dreams appear early on in what we call an Intensive Dreaming Stage. This is where the dreamer suddenly experiences a stage where they dream more intensively, both in the number of dreams they are experiencing as well as the vividness/intensity of those dreams. An Intensive Dreaming Stage is often an opportunity for a Spiritual Awakening. It is an invitation from the deeper part of you to focus more of your life on the Inner World. Jungian Psychology is a deeply religious/spiritual psychology that not only works with Inner-Callings, but it also serves as a guide and map for the Inner World where our dreams originate from.
Religious and spiritual symbolism in dreams offer a real opportunity for the dreamer to connect with a deeper aspect of themselves, beyond the ego/rational mind and beyond the excessive noise of this overbusy and often chaotic world that we find ourselves living in today.
Important Religious & Spiritual Dream Symbols That May Appear In Your Dreams
Some of the most important religious/spiritual dreams that I am approached to work with include dreams involving Christ, Angels, The Cross and The Grail/Chalice. Some less obvious but very important religious/spiritual dream symbols that I regularly encounter include Snakes, Fish (especially 2 fish together), Dolphins and Whales, Pregnancy/Giving Birth and Floods. When working with religious and spiritual dream symbolism, we study the religious/spiritual symbols as they have appeared through human history and we also come to understand the dreamer’s own unique religious/spiritual worldview. Through this approach we can discover important insights to the dream that help us arrive at the religious/spiritual dream meaning. As an example, in my work as a Dream Interpreter, I am encountering an increase in dreams involving Christ and also the symbol of the Cross from the people who contact me. Dreams involving Christ and the Cross have a very significant spiritual history and overall are announcing a significant spiritual shift within the dreamer if they are committed to the inner path.
I will finally mention here that it is really quite common for people who do not have a specific religious or spiritual faith to have immensely important dreams containing religious/spiritual symbolism. This can be challenging territory for the dreamer and misinterpreting these dreams is common. But by bringing together the unique history of the dreamer along with the rich history of the religious/spiritual symbolism contained within the dream, we can discover the spiritual/religious dream meaning. When religious/spiritual symbolism appears in a dream, it means something significant is trying to take place within the individual. There are real answers to be found if the dreamer is willing to search for them. Please see my About page for more information on my own search for answers.
Dean Creed - Dream Interpreter and Dream Analyst
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