It is important to be upfront here concerning what people in today’s world generally think about dreams. The majority of people either have no opinion on dreams or they believe dreams are nonsense and not worth any of our attention. It is also important to remember that dreams are a completely natural phenomena that we all experience. What about our emotions, our anxieties, our physical health? They are all natural phenomena as well and as we are becoming increasingly aware of, it is really important to regularly check-in with our emotional, mental and physical health to ensure everything is ok. But as for dreams… well they get ignored.
Whether we remember them or not, on average we experience three to five dreams per night. But the big question is why do we dream? There are many superficial opinions on dreams – just look on the internet! To answer this question, Jungian Psychology has been mapping dreams for over one hundred years, exploring where in our minds they emerge from and how dreams manifest according to each individual’s own psychology.
So what conclusions has Jungian Psychology in particular arrived at regarding why we dream? First and foremost, dreams play a crucial role for our own personal development including the potential to expand consciousness. Is there evidence to support this claim? Definitely. To access this evidence I would encourage you to take the time to read through patient/client cases from Jungian Psychologists (many are available on the internet) who have tracked and published their dreams over time. Most people would be amazed reading just how important and instructive dreams can be when they are understood correctly.
As a Dream Interpreter and Dream Analyst, I continually encounter the extraordinary nature of dreams. I have worked on and interpreted over four thousand dreams and I have witnessed repeatedly the most amazing insights and wisdom that dreams provide.
Dean Creed - Dream Interpreter and Dream Analyst
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