I work with individuals who are experiencing an Intensive Dreaming Life Stage. Not only are dreams in this stage often more vivid and intense, but they often contain important Transpersonal/Archetypal Symbols – many of which the dreamer has never experienced before.
When I personally entered into this stage of Intensive dreaming, there was a new feeling that accompanied my dreams; a feeling that something had shifted within me and that these dreams were very important to understand. There was also a sense of urgency about many of the dreams. These feelings are common amongst the people who I now work with in my role as a Dream Analyst and Interpreter.
The Inner-Calling
When an individual experiences a sudden and often dramatic increase in their dreaming experience, including the appearance of new Transpersonal/Archetypal symbols, it is very clearly an Inner-Calling from the Unconscious or we could say from the ‘deeper Self within’. In Jungian Psychology the Self (with a capital ‘S’) is the Transpersonal centre of the psyche. Such an Inner-Calling is not for the faint-hearted. A genuine Intensive Dreaming Life Stage is not a random phenomenon and nor should it be treated as a mere curiosity.
Intensive Transpersonal/Archetypal dreams have a quality that leaves the dreamer with a clear sense that these dreams are very important and there is also a sense of urgency to understand why these dreams have entered the dreamer’s consciousness. They often have a strong, otherworldly (transpersonal) feeling associated with them which is difficult to explain unless one has experienced these types of vivid, transpersonal/archetypal dreams. In working with dreams of a transpersonal nature, Carl Jung reintroduced the terms ‘Numinous’ and ‘Numinosity’ which means ‘having a strong religious or spiritual quality in respect to the dream; indicating or suggesting the presence of divinity’.
When people enter into an Intensive Dreaming Life Stage, they will experience numinous states.An Inner-Calling from the Unconscious (where our dreams are created) is an invitation from the deeper part of you to focus more of your life on the Inner World. It will open the individual up to the opportunity for profound Inner-Work and realisations. In the truest sense, it offers the greatest possibility to ‘Know Thyself’. In the most practical sense, when working with dreams in the right way, dreamwork gives to the individual greater confidence in the past, present and what is possible in the future.There are certain patterns and commonalities regarding the people that I work with who are experiencing this transpersonal/archetypally based Intensive Dreaming Life Stage. As with my own life, there is a pattern of having a concern for the planet and humanity. Usually there is a history of committing to ethical, spiritual, environmental paths along their own life journey. I mention this because I feel it is important to do so.
Dreamwork Sessions
Usually when I begin working with someone, we have either weekly or fortnightly sessions. Then overtime as the individual becomes increasingly confident in working with their own dreams, the space between sessions lengthens out. Sessions are usually around 90 minutes but sometimes longer if significant dreams have appeared since the last session. Sessions involve reviewing recent dreams and also teaching various principles of Jungian and Transpersonal dream analysis and interpretation. I charge $120 AUD for a session, but I can reduce this amount if you are experiencing financial challenges. All my sessions are run using Zoom and if you have never used Zoom before, don’t worry, it’s very easy to use and I can assist with setting it up for you. Zoom is free for all participants. I am based in Australia but I work with people from around the world.
Free Introductory Zoom Session
I understand that taking the step of working with a Dream Analyst is a big decision. To make it easier, I offer a free, no obligation introductory session for people who are experiencing an intensive dreaming stage. I aim to make this introductory session informative and friendly and they provide an opportunity for us both to see if I would be the right person for you to work with regarding your dreams.
Dean Creed - Dream Interpreter and Dream Analyst
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